New Comers

New Comers

The North Carolina Down Syndrome Alliance (NCDSA) welcomes you to North Carolina. Please feel free to contact NCDSA if you are moving or considering a move to North Carolina. Through NCDSA’s network of members, community leaders, and resources, we will answer questions about our community and the services available. Please contact NCDSA at or (984)200-1193.

Helpful links:

Learn about Medicaid and Health Services

Children and adults in North Carolina with Down Syndrome or other developmental disabilities are eligible to apply for a Medicaid waiver to receive services. However, the waiting lists can be extremely long, potentially years. Services for developmental disabilities are not an entitlement in North Carolina, and therefore individuals with disabilities are not guaranteed any services or support. This can be a particularly important consideration for adults who have graduated or aged out of the public school system.

The Medicaid waivers are administered by local management entities (LMEs) and public managed care organizations (MCOs). Both are sometimes called local area mental health centers. Visit the NC Division of Mental Health, Development Disabilities and Substance Abuse (NCMHDDSAS) website to locate the appropriate LME or MCO entity in your county.

We advise families to contact the LME in the area they are considering moving to for information about Medicaid and other services available.